Bullet Proof Artist Management
Patty Romanoff

Bulletproof Artist Management & Booking started as a small in-house agency at 800-Prime CD in 1994. David Seitz, owner of Prime CD, hired Patty Romanoff to deal with odd jobs at the label. Patty, a Rutgers graduate, spent the 7 years prior working as Office Manager, then Human Resource Director, for a mid-size marketing company in New York City.
David concluded that if the label artists toured more, more CDs would sell. After only 2 weeks at the label, David asked Patty if she would like to book the artists and make a commission. Patty decided that making a living might be a good idea and gladly accepted.
4 weeks later the new agency, called Prime City Booking, was making a small but promising profit. 6 months later Prime City Booking relocated to the Northampton, MA area and took on several clients that were not part of the Prime CD family (The Nields, Catie Curtis, and others).
In the fall of 1996 the agency closed for one year as Patty began tour managing for The Nields. While on the road Patty was asked to co-manage the band with their publicist Michaela O’Brien . Patty soon realized a home-based management company would be able to accomplish a lot more then talking to record labels and booking agencies at payphones along the highway. Bulletproof Artist Managementwas born.
Michaela & Patty spent the next year doing management work for the Nields. At the Newport Folk Festival in the summer of 1997, Michaela found the love of her life (the very handsome Nat) and shortly thereafter, got married and moved to Maine to continue doing publicity for The Nields. Patty took over sole management responsibilities and brought on some new clients for booking.
Bulletproof Artist Management + Booking was now in full operation. In the summer of 1998 Bulletproof took on its first full time employee, Courtney Garcia. They also added artist merchandise fulfillment to its list of services. In the summer of 2001 Lori Peters was invited to work as a full time agent and expanded the booking division of the company. The rapid growth of the booking division allowed Lori to form her own agency, Mad Mission Booking.
Now strickly a Artist Management agency, Bulletproof Artist Management represent Dar Williams, The Nields (Nerissa & Katryna Nields), Susan Werner, Heather Maloney, Crys Matthews and Cry Cry Cry. Bulletproof also represents David Chalfant as a producer.
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